LAAWSW Championship Show

9th November 2008


Judge Mr Rob Richardson



Veteran Dog



Waterhouse’ Ch/Am Ch Chtaura Dream Machine (Re-Imp) gold dog still in super condition and excellent coat.  Good head and expression.  Nice eye and sound on all quarters.  Moving very well.



Minor Puppy Dog

6 (1)


Bromley’s Cossy’s Chocolate Chip at Jardene, lovely head eye and expression good topline and tail set.  Good topline and tail set.  Good front and lay of shoulder.  Sound well angulated hindquarters, one I am sure we are going to see a lot of in the future.


Yaxley’s Dardanelles Wild Basil, Nice size and outline, dark eye and expression.  Moving with confidence


Saunders’ Jorjenjo Real Deal of Bellellen


Scarll’s Timazinti’s Sijica


Vidler’s Elitch Xtravaganza



Puppy Dog



Waterhouse’s Chtaura Rebel Rock, brindle grey with nice head and dark eye.  Good front and strong hindquarters.  Correct topline and tail set in good coat and moving well.


Hazelhurst’s Domensa Silver Shadow over Corroll,  nice shaped head and eye, good body shape and well ribbed up.  Nice topline and in good coat.



Junior Dog

5 (2)


Scott’s Shardlow Ruby Walsh with Wolferlow,  Gold of lovely type,  good front and lay of shoulder, nice head, eye, mouth and expression, very sound hindquarters with good angulation.


Watts-Catley’s Zanamop Lightening Strikes,  Gold and white of nice type, good topline and tail set.  Sound hindquarters with a nice overall outline, just preferred front of above.


Thomas’ Kenworth Murphys Law at Heidiflic



Yearling Dog



Llewellyn’s Degarbo Dark and Debonair, Black with a very pleasing outline.  Good front and shoulder, nice neck, topline and tail carriage.  Good ribbing and sound hindquarters in good coat and moving well.


Anderson’s Kingbaraston Black Velvet, black and white and in good coat, nice head and expression but not to sure of himself on the move today.


Hazelhurst’s Corrolls Arizona Pie


Thomas’ Kenworth Murphys Law at Heidiflic



Novice Dog

No Entries



Graduate Dog

3 (1)


Waterhouse’s Chtaura It Could Be Magic, Very sound dog, balanced throughout, nice head and expression, good lay of shoulder, nice front, good ribbing and topline, strong hindquarters and moving well.


Anderson’s Kingbaraston Black Velvet



Post Graduate Dog

6 (2)


Llewellyn’s Degarbo Sunset, gold with lovely head.  Carrying a good mouth, eye and expression.  Good reach of neck, down to a level topline, correct tail set and strong hindquarters.  Lovely overall outline


Carter’s Vowchurch Chico Time, another sound one in good coat of correct texture.  Well muscled up with strong bone.


McNally’s Angadema Are You Ready


Ogdens’ Absosengkye Donny



Mid Limit Dog

3 (1)


Lewis’ Deelayne Zaar Too Busy, Beautiful gold dog, super outline standing and on the move then when you go over him you can understand why.  He has a lovely head, correct eye and expression, good reach of neck, nice topline and tail set.  Good front well ribbed up and sound well angulated hindquarters, moving with drive and as if he owned the ring.  In lovely coat and condition and a credit to his owner.  Dog C.C. and BIS


Anderson’s Tantra’s Micah, gold of nice type, sound on all quarters in good coat and moving well.





Limit Dog

6 (3)


Jones’ Tarendes Follow the Bear, gold/white of good type and very nice head and expression.  Correct topline and tail set in good coat and moving well.


Jennings Cossy’s Chip ‘n’ Pin, lovely gold/white with a good head, reach of neck and level topline, correct in front and well angulated hindquarters.  In nice coat that was well presented.


Lock’s Littondale Palladio



Open Dog

7 (2)


Scott’s Wolferlow Merlot, gold dog in super coat and condition of correct texture.  Lovely head and mouth, good eye giving him that nice expression.  Correct lay of shoulder, good front and hindquarters and moving well.  Reserve C.C.


Davis’ Marchtu San Marquis at Narmoak, grey/white of nice type and similar in qualities as one above but unfortunate to meet first today.


Saunder’s  Ch Bellellen Boy O’ Boy


Waterhouse Chtaura Shadow Dancer


Seward’s Elleonia on the Level JW



Dog C.C.

Lewis’ Deelayne Zaar Too Busy

Res Dog C.C.

Scott’s Wolferlow Merlot

Best Puppy Dog

Waterhouse’s Chtaura Rebel Rock



Veteran Bitch

2 (1)


Langford’s Britroys Caught in a Shower at Quaytown, 11 year old gold/white in super coat and condition for age.  Nice head and eye and still with a full set of teeth, one her owner should be proud of.



Minor Puppy Bitch




Jennings’ Cossy’s Silicone Chip, super gold/white youngster with a lovely head and expression.  Good front and hindquarters, correct topline and tail set.  In nice coat and condition and moving well giving her a lovely overall outline.


Scarll’s Timazinti Hope and Dreams, not much to choose between her and one above in points and quality just unlucky to meet today and sure we will see them changing places from time to time.


Langford’s Quaytown A Touch of Honey


Yaxley’s Dardanelles Spring Beauty



Puppy Bitch



Watts-Catley’s Zanamop Enchanting Dream, Very nice gold/white of super quality and one that should go a long way, nice head, eye, mouth and expression.  Good reach of neck down to a level topline.  Good front and well shaped hindquarters and in very good condition.  Had to be my overall Best  Puppy in Show.


Anderson’s Polielins Whitney with Tantra, a good black in nice coat and very sound.  Nice head and expression correct neck and topline, good tail set.


Cassidy’s Exephials Smoken Mirrors


Holland’s Vaderlands Star Force


McCarthy’s Vaderlands from the Force to Hayana



Junior Bitch

11 (2)


Jones’ Tarendes See that Bear, Gold of good type and construction in good coat of correct texture.  Good head and clean neck to a level toplilne.  Nice front and lay back of shoulder.  Well ribbed up and good hindquarters moved soundly.


Carter’s Vowchurch Maid of Magic, black/which with a good overall outline and nicely put together.  Lovely head with a good mouth, eye and expression, nice neck and topline and in excellent coat.


Cain & Lock’s Kutani Shabby Chic (taf)


Paradise’s Shardlow Party Panda


Scott’s Shardlow Laid Back Ruby with Wolferlow



Yearling Bitch



Carter’s Vowchurch Maid of Magic,


Cropper’s Corrolls Dallas for Coro, gold bitch in good coat with a pleasing outline and very sound moving well.


Paradise’s Shardlow Party Panda


Seward’s Elleonia Shades of Darkness


Humphries Shardlow Fifi Flowertot





Novice Bitch

3 (1)


Humphries & Wheaton’s Alamiks Shady Lady, nively proportioned all round and in lovely coat.  Nice neck and topline, correct tailset, good quarters and moving well.


Paradise’s Shardlow Party Gi Gi, black in lovely coat and well presented.  Nice head and reach of neck, good firm body and ribbing but one above scored on front.





Graduate Bitch

2 (1)


Jones’ Tarendes Treasure that Bear, well put together gold/white in very good coat, nice head, eye and mouth.  Good in front, level topline and strong hindquarters.  Moved well and sound.



Post Graduate Bitch


8 (1)


Carter’s Vowchurch the Wonder of You, gold front and well angulated sound hindquarters, nice reach of neck, level topline and correct spring of rib.  Carrying a good coat and moving well


McCarthy’s Hayana Miss Georgia, very close in qualities to above and in very good coat and condition, just unlucky to meet today.


Hamilton’s Gilderdale Miss Wagit


Bedford’s Sangchenla Pandora


Ogden’s Absosengkye Pamsdora



Mid Limit Bitch

3 (2)


Paradise’s Sangchenla Persephone at Shardlow, black/white in good coat and condition, nice head, neck, topline and tail set moving well and nicely presented.



Limit Bitch

12 (1)


Scarll’s Timazinti Molly, beautiful light gold bitch with super head, eye, mouth and expression.  Good reach of neck to well laid shoulders and good front, nice spring of rib, level topline and correct tail set.  Super hind quarters and angulation in beautiful coat and condition, excellently presented.   There are not many about like her and a pleasure to go over. Bitch C.C. RBIS


Scotts’ Wolferlow Charlotte, a quality black/white in lovely coat and condition with a good outline and balance.  Sound on all quarters, correct topline and tail set and nicely presented.


Waghorn’s Avonbourne Lucy Lastic with Sukisha


Seward’s Elleonia On The Dark Side JW


Waterhouse’s Chtaura She Will Be Loved



Open Bitch

13 (5)


Llewellyn’s Fengolas Simply Sexy via Degarbo, Black bitch of super quality and in fabulous coat that was put down to perfection.  Lovely head, eye, mouth and expression.  Correct layback of shoulder, good front, topline and tailset, nice ribbing and correctly angulated hindquarters.  She has a beautiful overall outline even on the move and she is a credit to her owner.  Reserve Bitch C.C.


Waterhouse’s Ch Chtaura All U Need Is Luv JW, another lovely bitch that I have always admired and she is a worthy champion but just unfortunate to meet the first today.


Anderson’s Ch Zentarr Elizabeth


Cain’s Kutani Sunkissed


Holland’s Vaderlands Electra-Fy 



Bitch C.C.

Scarll’s Timazinti Molly

Res Bitch C.C.

Llewellyn’s Fengolas Simply Sexy via Degarbo

Best Puppy Bitch

Watts-Catley’s Zanamop Enchanting Dream